Crestwood’s Counseling Department

Crestwood’s school counselors support all Crestwood students with their academic, social/emotional and career development.  If a student would like to meet with their school counselor, they may fill out a School Counselor Request slip or email their school counselor directly.  Students can access these request slips in the counseling office. If the parent of a Crestwood student would like to speak to one of the school counselors, please feel free to call or email your student’s counselor. 

   Mrs. Shanna Bell
   (Students with last names beginning with letters A-K)
   616.455.1200 Ext. 32212

   Mrs. Martice Schaefer
   (Students with last names beginning with letters L-Z)
   616.455.1200 Ext. 32214

   Ms. Jeanie Foster, School Counseling Secretary
   616.455.1200 Ext. 32200

School Counselors' Newsletter


Career Exploration Opportunities External Link

Important information about the dangers of youth vaping External Link