Enrollment Process

Application: Referral by counselor is strongly recommended. 2024-2025 application can be accessed here.

Application Process

Students wishing to join KIVA must complete the application indicating their need to take online courses.

At the close of the application KIVA staff will determine if enrollment in the program is in the best educational interest of the student.  Applications will be based on fit or need and no the order received.  Students and parents will be notified be email of acceptance or denial.

Once a student is admitted parents will be asked to complete a parent consent form.  This form is required for final admittance.  If not received by the announced deadline the student will not be entered into the program.

After parent consent form is received, a guidance counselor will adjust the students schedule to appropriate KIVA course.

Courses Offered: The following links are useful in selecting courses.

 KIVA Courses Offered                                                                                                       EKHS In Person Courses Offered