KSSN Support and Mental Health Resources

Kent School Services Network (KSSN)

Kent School Services Network is an initiative that involves many partners but a single goal:  to ensure that all children are healthy and learning. 

We strive to eliminate the barriers within schools that prohibit students from learning.  We want to allow teachers to teach, principals to lead, and students to learn.

To learn more about services or to obtain a referral for the clinician, please talk to the School Counselor or to the Community School Coordinator.


Site Team Clinician                      
(616) 698-9292 x 41437  


· Emotional Concerns: Depression, Anxiety, Anger.

· Social Concerns:  Bullying, Immaturity, Problems making friends, Peer trouble

· Behavior:  Drug use, Fighting, Suspensions

· Grief:  Loss of a family member, Divorce, Incarceration, Deportation


Farris Withers - Community School Coordinator                                            
(616) 698-9292 x 41408     farris.withers@kentwoodps.org


· Basic Needs:  Food, Clothing, Housing, MDHHS Assistance

· Health Services:  Dental, Vision, Hearing

· After School Programming:  Tutoring, Mentoring, etc.


Spectrum Health Behavioral Health Clinic

Spectrum Health has partnered with Kentwood Public Schools to offer virtual counseling for students on site during the school day.  


Students who wish to participate should speak to their School Counselor to obtain a referral.  Please click here for detailed information. Spectrum Health Brochure


Network 180


Network 180, located on the Northeast side of Grand Rapids, provides assistance for families who seek services regarding mental health issues, substance use and intellectual/developmental disabilities.
They also have 24/7 access for families who need help in crisis situations.  Their Access Center phone number is (616) 336-3909.


Click here to be directed to the Network 180 website - Network 180