Welcome to East Kentwood High School's National Honor Societies tutor signup system.
If you are a student in need of some additional academic help or a tutor willing to help this is the place to sign up.
Tutoring hours are from 2:45-4:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Here is how you can sign up for help or to be a tutor:
1. Review the list of dates, times, subjects and locations on the link below.
2. Select an item by clicking on the box next to "Sign Up" within the date, time subject and location.
3. Go to the bottom of the page, click on the "Submit and Sign Up" button.
4. Select your Qty. This should always be one. We do NOT recommend that you sign up for someone else.
5. Leave a comment.
6. Create an Account or sign in with your existing account.
7. Type in your First Name, Last Name and your E-mail
8. Click "Sign Up Now"
You will receive a confirmation e-mail and a reminder the day before from the system. If you cannot make your appointed time please sign back into the system with your original account and remove yourself from the slot.
If you have any questions please contact EKHS NHS at NHS.EKHS@gmail.com.