Graduation is Thursday, May 22!!
Rain date will be Friday, May 23.
Have your received Scholarships & Awards? Report them here Scholarship Reporting. Senior Academic Honors Night will be on Tuesday, May 20.
Scholarships ARE Available - KEEP checking
Need a transcript for a college application - request it for FREE through Seniors - make sure to change your email address in Parchment from your school one to your personal one.
Need a transcript for a scholarship application, place an order through your Parchment account:
Need a printed copy of your transcript, email Mrs. Lobsiger at
Want to request your Final Transcript? Submit a request through Parchment, but instead of "Send Now," select "Wait for Final Grades." Once grades are posted in June, your final transcript will be sent to the college/university.
Click here for FAFSA and College Application Help.
Click here for EKHS Graduation Requirements.
Email Ms. Callaghan at or call 616-698-6700 ext. 42216.