"When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts."
Dalai Lama
The Kentwood Public Schools, together with parents and the community, will educate all students in a safe, secure environment. We are committed to excellence, equity, and diversity in education. Our goal is for each student to master and apply the essential skills to be a successful, productive citizen.
Kentwood Values and Expectations:
Respect Other People’s Feelings, Space and Things
- Always use appropriate and respectful language
- Never accept “bullying” and intimidation
- Do not tolerate physical or verbal confrontation
- Keep the building and grounds clean and “litter-free
- Are Honest, Responsible and Hard Workers
- Are on time to every class every day
- Respectfully identify themselves when asked
- Learn and Improve Every Day
- Come to class prepared every day
- Put forth their best effort
- Create Great Options and Choices for their lives
- Make good decisions
- Have a “plan” and look to the future
- Dress for Success
- Come to school dressed and groomed appropriately everyday
SMaC Plan
Established 1/14/2014
- Building Positive Relationships.
- Build relatinships with students, staff, families, and community. Have tough conversations to do what is right for kids. Create continued opportunities for parent involvement. Encourage parental involvement in different ways.
- Data Driven.
- Organizatin of building schedule. Focus on student achievement.
- High Expectations.
- Expect all t learn. Meet all student needs. Every minute is n task. High level instructin in every classroom. Focus on helping each child become a proficient reader with small group instruction/intervention groups.
- Continuous Learning.
- Effective, dedicated, and practive support staff. Open to change. Staff participation in ongoing learning opportunities.
- Encourage Innovation.
- Celebrate learning all year lng.
- Create a Positive Learning Culture.
- Chesive team between all staff. Supportive, consistent, and creative leadership. Expect 100% attendance at conferences. Clear and consistent communication with parents.
- Use District Resources.
- Cnsistency between grade levels.
Our goal is to continue to make an even better place. Our Leadership Team continues to construct and develop our shared Vision, Mission, and Values. This is a living and breathing document; we fully intend to update it as we grow. I strongly encourage you to take a close look below to see where we are going, who we are, and what we value.
Our primary focus points as we continue to develop our shared Vision, Mission and Values:
- Relationships First: Powerful, trusting, giving, and enduring relationships rooted in positive attitudes and behaviors that promote mutual respect, responsibility, and safety.
- Implementing Best Practices: Relentless consistency of making progress and getting better every day implementing best practices in Depth of Knowledge and Flexible Grouping
- Time on Task: Students observably engaged in on-task active reading and math, working toward independence and sustained endurance.
We will ACHIEVE and MODEL EXCELLENCE. To do this, we will…
- Present a values-based, relationally-oriented education that focuses on the social, emotional, and academic needs of every student.
- We will embrace the “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” (CKH) philosophy and use the CKH terms as our school-wide common language.
- Work to continually improve a school-wide Positive Behavior Support System that is in line with CKH.
- Continue to use “ordinary” best practices as our FOUNDATION and do them the best we possibly can. Our staff will be experts at “doing what we do.”
- “Grow” the absolute best teachers and continue teacher/staff professional development on best practices.
- Empower students to excel academically so they will be productive contributors to the 21st century world
- Increase our UNITY within our Glenwood commUNITY (students, educators, and parents).
- Remember that we achieve excellence TOGETHER!
- Multiply parent involvement
- Embrace the “Capturing Kids’ Hearts” (CKH) philosophy
- Continue to be more diagnostic and prescriptive in our ability to meet the needs of struggling students.
- Remain data driven and customer focused.
The staff of Glenwood Elementary School, in partnership with students, parents and community, holds high expectations for all students to learn and develop respect for self and others. Through a cooperative effort, the Glenwood families, students, and staff assume responsibility for a safe and orderly environment to maximize personal achievement and improvement of society.
Handbook Contents:
Daily Schedule page 5
School Directory page 6
KPS Administrative Directory page 7
Kentwood Elementary School Policies:
Absences, Arrival/Dismissal Times page 8
Early Dismissals & End of Day Arrangements page 8
Volunteer Consent Forms, School Visitation, Telephone Calls page 9
Fire Drills/Tornado Drills page 9
Inclement Weather Closing, Tornado Watch/Warning page 10
General Information regarding Weather page 10
Playground Rules, Recess page 10
Disciplinary Systems page 10
Dress and Clothing page 10
Directory Information, School Insurance page 11
Home Newsletters page 11
Curriculum, Report Cards and Conferences page 11
Textbooks, Supplies, Media Center, Physical Education page 11
Cell Phones page 11
Lunch Program page 12
Field Trips, Homework, Make-up Work page 12
Bicycles page 12
Class Parties, Extra Activities, Lost & Found, page 12
Administration of Prescription Medication page 13
KPS Language Notice page 14
Notification of Rights Under FERPA page 15-16
KPS Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy page 16
KPS Drug-Free Policy page 16
KPS Computer Code of Conduct page 17-18
KPS Bullying Policy page 19
KPS Elementary Student Conduct Code page 20-23
8:30 K-5 Teachers report
8:30 Breakfast begins
8:40 Playground supervision begins
8:58 Get Ready Bell
9:00 Instruction begins
11:35 – 12:10 Lunch and Recess (Y5-Kindergarten)
11:35 – 12:10 Recess and Lunch (2nd)
11:45 – 12:20 Lunch and Recess (1st)
11:50– 12:25 Recess and Lunch (3rd)
11:55 - 12:30 Recess and Lunch (5th)
12:00 – 12:35 Recess and Lunch (4th)
2:10 – 2:25 Kindergarten, 1st & 4th Recess
2:25 - 2:40 Y5, 2nd, 3rd & 5th
3:52 Dismissal bell
On Half days – School dismissal will be at 12:03 pm
2019 - 2020
Principal Mrs. Jenny Graham
Young Fives Mrs. Lori Ferguson
Kindergarten Mrs.Kelly Rector
Ms. Courtney Barcheski
First Grades Mrs. Amanda Van Tuninen
Mrs. Van Lonkhuysen
Second Grades Mrs. Jessica Harris
Mr. Adam Munoz
Mrs. Lauren Heald
Third Grade Mrs. Melinda Geer
Mr. Brock Willemin
Fourth Grades Mr. Michael Dimick
Mrs. Katelyn Dykman
Fifth Grades Mrs. Michelle Munoz
Mrs. Kristi Weersing
Resource Room Mrs. Shawn Hall
Mrs. Nursun Redmon
ELL-English Language Learners Mrs, Heidi Morrison
Art Ms. Chelse Doyle
Physical Education Mr. Jim Sobota and Mrs. Carolyn Hibma
Vocal Music Mrs. Haley Stoner and Mrs. Holly Heddens
Computer Lab Mrs. Jeanne DeMeester
Counselor Mrs. Sarah Schrauben
Social Work Tyler Betterly
Teacher Consultant Mr. Jason Frank
Speech Pathologist Miss Erica Monroe
Occupational Therapist Mrs.JoAnn Johnson and Ms. Lauren Van Eck
Psychologist Mrs. Janelle Hart
Secretary Ms.Elisabeth Visser
Media Clerk Ms. Sally Hazen
Attendance Paraprofessional Mrs. Amy Reda-Freiberg
Office Paraprofessional Tyler Visser
Kitchen Ms. Kelleigh Kinsey
Paraprofessionals Mrs. Jen Elsner, Mrs. Kirsten Arntz, Mrs. Becky Vincent Ms.
Tracye O’Brien
Interventionists Mrs. Rachel Vigna, Miss Allison Taylor
Behavior Specialist Mr. Orlando James
ARCH Coordinator Sydney Nelson
Custodian Mrs. Diane Vanopstall/Head- Mr. Sam LaFaive/Night
DHHS Representative Mrs. Katie Bowman
KSSN Community School Coordinator Mr. Shatawn Brigham
KSSN Site Team Clinician Miss . Alejandra Vences-Jurado
Mimi Madden President
Allen Young Vice-President
Angie Forton Secretary
Pete Battey Treasurer
Angela Hovermale Trustee
Sylvia James Trustee
James Lewis, Jr. Trustee
5820 Eastern Ave. SE
Kentwood MI 49508
Phone 455-4400
Mr. Michael Zoerhoff Superintendent
Mr. Todd Bell Executive Director of Business Operations
Dr. Shirley Johnson Assistant Superintendent for Student Services
Mr. Evan Hordyk Executive Director of Secondary Education
Mr. Michael Pickard Executive Director of Elementary Education and Federal Programs
Mrs. Sharon O’Donnoghue Special Education Director Phone 554-3980
Bowen Elementary School Brookwood Elementary School Challenger Elementary School
4483 Kalamazoo Ave. 5465 Kalamazoo Ave. 2475 52nd St..
455-5220 455-0030 698-2524
Blair Feldkamp Lorenzo Bradshaw Teressa Gatza
Discovery Elementary School Endeavor Elementary School Explorer Elementary School
2461 60th St SE 5757 East Paris 2307 68th St.
871-1080 554-5241 554-0975
Debra McNally Mark Bea Carrie Tellerico
Glenwood Elementary School Meadowlawn Elementary School Southwood Elementary School
912 Silverleaf 4939 Burgis Ave SE 630 66th St SE
455-2510 534-4608 455-7260
Jenny Graham Tim Hargis Jeff Overkleeft
Townline Elementary School Hamilton Early Childhood Center
100 60th St SE 3303 Breton Road SE
538-4120 493-5693
Michelle Downs Lori Eaton
Crestwood Middle School Pinewood Middle School Valleywood Middle School
2674 44th St. 2100 60th St. 1110 50th St SE
455-1200 455-1224 538-7670
Don Dahlquist Gary Harmon Justin Mathes
East Kentwood Freshman Campus East Kentwood High School Crossroads Alternative High School
6170 Valley Lane SE 6230 Kalamazoo Ave SE (Kentwood Community Ed)
698-9292 698-6700 28 60th St SE
Andrew Kolzow Omar Bakri 261-6166
Rick Hatfield
All children are expected to attend school everyday. When illness, religious holiday, or an emergency situation makes it necessary for a child to be absent, please follow these procedures:
- Please call the school as soon as you know your child will be absent
- In the event a child must leave school early, the office will call for him/her when you arrive to school and sign them out.
- When your child is not well, we suggest that s/he be kept home until you know that the child's illness is not contagious. Our responsibility is to keep the entire school from being exposed to communicable diseases.
- Except for doctor's orders we assume a child is well enough to participate in all aspects of a school day. Parents are asked to send a note that explains any other circumstances.
- Any child arriving at school after 10:30 A.M. is considered absent for the morning.
- Any child arriving at school after 2:00 P.M. is considered absent for the afternoon.
- Any child arriving at school late must stop in the office and get a pass before being admitted to class.
Chronic Absenteeism: When students miss 10% or more of scheduled school days (to date).
This includes excused and unexcused absences.
Truancy: 10 unexcused absences in a school year
At all levels (elementary, middle and high school), interventions will take place at the time of the 6th absence, unless an absence is caused due to extenuating circumstances. Absences that DO NO COUNT against a student includes,but are not limited to the following:
- Snow days and unscheduled school closings
- Medical or Family death absences
- Suspensions and Expulsions
- Preplanned absences that would not negatively affect student learning
It is very important that students arrive no earlier than 20 minutes before the start of school. Thank you for helping your child time his/her departure from home so that s/he does not arrive at school too early.
Those students eating breakfast will be allowed to enter the building at 8:40. If they are eating breakfast, they are to report immediately to the cafeteria. When students finish eating breakfast they are to go outside until the bell rings. We understand that sometimes busses arrive late, particularly in the winter months. We will allow students a reasonable time for breakfast on those mornings.
Regular dismissal time is at 3:56 PM. On half days, all students will be dismissed at 11:57. We would appreciate it if all departure arrangements could be made at home prior to your child’s arrival to school. This helps us avoid classroom interruptions at the end of each day.
Occasionally, there may be a need to have your child leave during the school day for an appointment. Please send a note to your child’s teacher in the morning. We will need you to sign your child out in the office. We will also need you to sign your child back in should s/he return before the end of the day. All arrangements for changes in transportation home need to be sent in writing to the teacher in the morning or parents must call the school office before 3:00 PM. If a note is not received, students will be sent home as usual. Students may not ride a Kentwood School bus home with another student if it is not their regular bus.
Glenwood loves its volunteers! If you plan on coming into the school building to volunteer, eat lunch with your student, attend field trips, etc. you must have an approved Volunteer Consent Form on file. Forms are available in the school office. These forms need to be filled out annually. It takes at least 5 business days for the KPS main office to process the forms.
School visitations by parents are another way of maintaining a strong relationship between the home and the school. We hope parents will take the time to visit our classrooms during the course of the school year. You will always be welcome to visit school and your child’s classroom with prior notification.
Please check in at the office first whenever visiting the school or a classroom.
Please sign our visitor log and put on a name badge before entering the building.
Calls for teachers should be made before and after school. You may also leave a voicemail for a teacher at anytime. During school hours, messages will be taken for students and forwarded at a convenient time. Pupils are permitted to use the telephone in an emergency.
There are 5 fire drills, 2 tornado drills, 1 Shelter in Place and 2 Lock Down drills per year.
- School shall be closed when it is considered impossible to operate school buses.
- The announcement of school closing shall be on radio stations WOOD, WCUZ and WGRD and on TV stations WZZM and WOTV by 6:45 A.M.
- Night activities shall continue as scheduled unless an announcement is made to the above news agencies, the KPS web site and our Facebook page.
- Rehearsals, practices, and contests may be scheduled with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
- In the event of a 2-hour delay…
-Buses will pick students up 2 hours later than usual.
-Childcare programs will be held.
TORNADO WATCH (severe weather conditions with tornado conditions present)
- Students will not be sent home early.
- Students will remain in session with necessary precautions taken.
- Students will be sent home at regular dismissal time.
TORNADO WARNING (immediate danger of tornado)
- Students will not be sent home.
- Students will be kept in designated safety areas within the school buildings.
- If a “Warning” comes at regular dismissal time, students will be kept in designated safety areas until an “ALL CLEAR” is given.
- School shall be closed whenever a “Watch” or “Warning” is in effect prior to the starting time of school.
- After school activities shall be canceled whenever tornado “Watches” or “Warnings” are in effect. If an “ALL CLEAR” is announced 2 hours prior to the starting time of the activity, it shall meet as scheduled.
- At no time will students be sent home early during the regular school day.
- Parents may pick up their children by making prior arrangements with the principal.
- Parents should not call the school inquiring about the weather during the period of a tornado “Watch” or “Warning”.
- Safety areas for students have been designated in all school buildings.
- Parents should have a plan for their children when no one will be at home upon their arrival from school.
- Respect other’s person and property.
- Be polite and follow the direction of the person in charge on the playground.
- You must have a pass from the person in charge on the playground if you wish to re-enter the building during recess.
- Students are not allowed to leave the playground during recess.
- Play non-contact games to avoid injuries (NO play fighting).
- Use all playground equipment properly.
- Use the containers for waste paper, etc.
- No food or candy on the playground.
- Avoid areas with slush, water, puddles, and mud.
Ordinarily, it is expected that all children will go outside with their class. If a child is well enough to be in school, s/he is well enough to go outside. However, if for health reasons a child must remain inside for recess, a written statement is necessary. Outside temperatures and conditions are monitored carefully during inclement weather. Local online weather stations are used to determine the necessity of indoor recess. Temperature and wind-chill are both considered during the winter.
Glenwood uses Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) to monitor, correct and change any behavior that is deemed necessary for improvement using a tier of intervention based on the principal’s discretion. These decisions will be based on the PBIS system and Board of Education Policy.
An elementary student conduct code has been adopted for all Kentwood elementary schools. The codes provide standardized discipline procedures. Please review the code that is attached.
Students’ clothing should be modest, safe, and comfortable. Children should be dressed appropriately for the existing weather conditions. All clothing, boots, gym shoes, hats, gloves, etc. should be marked with the child’s name, especially in the lower grades. Allowing hats varies from building to building.
Occasionally students are photographed for brochures, newsletters, newspaper stories, posters, videos, and other materials designed to promote the Kentwood Public Schools and/or your child’s own school. If you do not want your child’s picture to be included in such promotional items, please put your request in writing. The request will be honored and placed in your child’s file.
Information will be sent home at the beginning of each school year regarding insurance.
The school bulletin will be available every other Friday online at http://www.kentwoodps.org/ourschools/glenwoodelementary/ We encourage you to help us “go green” and view the newsletters on-line. It will also be e-mailed to you. The newsletter includes information about school events, future activities, and other articles of interest for Glenwood families. Please notify the school office if you would like a paper copy.
In grades DK-5, written report cards are issued at the end of the 2nd and 4th marking periods. Conferences are held in October and March. Progress reports are discussed at this time.
Parents are encouraged to call for a conference anytime they feel there is a need.
All necessary books and materials are provided by the school; however, it is the student’s responsibility to take proper care of these materials.
Since textbooks are used for several years, fines will be levied to students who damage, deface, or lose their textbooks.
Distribution and control of textbooks, workbooks, and school supplies shall be handled by the classroom teacher. The school will furnish instruction materials needed by the student. Parents may be asked to provide school materials in addition to the supplies distributed by the school.
The parent and child shall continue to be responsible for replacement of lost or damaged school owned property.
Students are encouraged to take books home to read. Books are checked out for one week. Lost or damaged books are charged to the parents.
All students are scheduled for weekly physical education classes. Unless excused by a physician, all students are expected to participate. For maximum safety, gym shoes are required for each student.
Kentwood Public Schools policy is to not allow student possession of a cell phone for elementary school-age students. However, it is acknowledged that at times an exception to this policy may be necessary. Waiver forms are available in the school office and must be approved by the building administrator. Cell phones should be kept in the office for the day.
Students may buy a hot lunch (includes milk) at school or bring a sack lunch. Students who bring their own lunches may buy milk at school. Hot lunch is $1.90 per day or $9.50 for the week. Milk is 50 cents a day or $2.50 a week. Breakfast is $1.10 per day.
Please send in lunch or milk money on Mondays or the first day of the school week. Make your payments to your child’s account through the internet at www.mealpay.com or by calling 1-866-668-5709. You may pay by the week, month, semester or year. Each student will have an account handled by our food service personnel. When the balance in that account gets low, a letter will be sent home. If you need to call and inquire about your child’s balance, please contact the school kitchen between 9:30 and 11:00 AM.
During the course of the school year, your child will be taking field trips. We must have a field trip permission slip on file for your child to participate. Any parent/guardian or relative wishing to attend any field trips must have an approved Volunteer Consent Form on file in advance.
Teachers will communicate homework policies. Policies by grade level are available in the school office upon request.
Parents who wish to pick up make-up work must call the school before noon for work to be picked up after school.
Students may ride bicycles to school. They must know and obey proper traffic rules. Bicycles must be parked in the bicycle racks and locked. Bicycles are only ridden to and from school, never, at the school or around the playground. The school cannot be responsible for vandalism or theft of the bicycles. Please walk bikes when on the sidewalks when school is being dismissed. We encourage the use of helmets.
Three school parties will be held during the school year: Fall Harvest, Holiday, and Valentine’s Day. Each child will be asked to contribute $3.00 for these parties. Please avoid red pop and red juice as they stain carpet if spilled. Room parents and volunteers may begin setting up for parties during the recess time just prior to the classroom parties. Due to food allergies, we encourage store purchased food with a list of ingredients.
Please write a note to your child(ren’s) teacher if you wish for your child not to participate in a school party. We will make alternative arrangements.
Separate information will be sent home concerning any extra curricular activities.
Wide ranges of activities are available through the City Recreation, Community Education Program and other community agencies. Brochures are sent home throughout the year or are available in the school office.
The lost and found box is located outside the office Unclaimed articles are given to a local donation center after conferences and prior to winter, spring, and summer breaks.
- A written request is required from the parent or guardian for school personnel to administer medication.
- A form is available in the school office that must be filled out and signed by both the physician and parent before prescription medication can be administered.
- Administration of the medicine shall take place in the presence of two adults.
- Written records shall be kept noting when the medication was dispensed.
- Medication shall be kept in a locked cabinet.
- Medication left over at the end of the school year shall be destroyed or returned directly to the parent.
Administration of Medications:
The administration of medication to students by school personnel or the self-possession and/or self-administration of medication by the student shall only be authorized and permitted in circumstances consistent with this policy and which require the student to receive the medication in the school setting. Medication shall be administered to students only by such school personnel who are specifically designated and authorized by the building principal or other school administrator, and only in compliance with the requirements of this policy. Student self-possession and/or self-administration of medication shall be permitted only as authorized by the building principal or other school administrator, and only in compliance with the requirements of this policy.
Approved: March 31, 1997; Reviewed: April 2004, June 2007
LEGAL REF: MCL 380.1178; AG Opinion #6476, #5679
JGFGBB Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (Epi Pens)
Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
Beginning with the start of the 2014-2015 school year:
An employee of the District who is a licensed registered professional nurse or an employee of the District who is trained in the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors may administer an epinephrine auto-injector to a pupil who has an epinephrine auto-injector prescription on file at the school.
An employee of the District who is a licensed registered professional nurse or an employee of the District who is trained in the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors may administer an epinephrine auto-injector to any pupil who is believed to be having an anaphylactic reaction, regardless of whether that pupil has an epinephrine auto-injector prescription on file at the school.
Limitation of Liability for Administration of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors
Pursuant to MCL §380.1178(1), as amended by Public Act 187 of 2013, a school employee who in good faith administers an epinephrine auto-injector to a pupil consistent with this Policy is not liable in a criminal action or for civil damages as a result of an act or omission in the administration of the epinephrine auto-injector, except for an act or omission amounting to gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct.
Training of Employees
Beginning with the start of the 2014-2015 school year, each school building in the District shall have at least two employees at the school who have been trained in the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors.
Obtaining and Maintaining Supplies of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors in Each School Building
Beginning with the start of the 2014-2015 school year, each school building in the District shall possess and maintain at least 2 epinephrine auto-injectors. The epinephrine auto-injectors shall be stored in a secure location, and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for the preservation of the medication.
1. Under an amendment to the Public Health Code contained in Public Act 186 of 2013, MCL §333.17744A, a prescriber of medication may issue a prescription for, and a dispensing prescriber or pharmacist may dispense, auto-injectable epinephrine to the Board of Education for the purpose of complying with the requirements of Public Act 187 of 2013, MCL §380.1179a.
2. Administration shall take the necessary steps to obtain and fill prescriptions for epinephrine auto-injectors in order to ensure that sufficient quantities are distributed to and maintained by individual schools.
Administrative Guidelines
The Superintendent shall issue administrative guidelines to ensure the proper implementation of this Policy.
LEGAL REF: Public Act 187 of 2013, MCL §§380.1178, 1179 and 1179a
If you are disabled and need special accommodation to participate in an activity, or if you speak a language other than English and need interpreter/translation services, please contact the school office at 455-2510. Advance notice will enable us to better serve you. (English)
Ako ste hendikepirani ili trebate specijalne uslove da bi ucestvovali u aktivnosti, ili ako govorite jezik razlicit od Engleskog i trebate prevodica/preodilacki servis, molimo vas kontaktirajte 455-2510. Obavijest unaprijed data ce nam pomoci da vas bolje usluzimo. (Bosnian)
Si alguna persona está incapacitada y necesita ayuda especial para participar en una actividad, o si habla un idioma que no sea inglés y necesita intérprete o servicios de traducción, favor de llamar a 455-2510.. Este aviso de antemano nos permite servirle major. (Spanish)
Parents are advised to use the following process to address concerns regarding the English Language Learner Program:
Step 1) Parent, child’s teacher and building principal will meet to resolve the concern. Translation services are provided.
Step 2) If a resolution is not reached, then the matter will be addressed with the Asst. Superintendent for Student Services.
Step 3) Asst. Superintendent will send a written resolution in English and in the home language to Parent within 10 school days. Copies of the EL Complaint/Resolution form will be distributed to the principal and filed in the students CA-60.
The Appropriate Use Procedures are applicable to all users of District Computers and refers to all information resources whether individually controlled, shared, stand alone, or networked. Disciplinary action, if any, for students, staff, and other users shall be consistent with the District’s standard policies and practices. Violations may constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of access to District computers, other school disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. Specific disciplinary measures will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Notification of Rights under FERPA for Students of the Kentwood Public Schools
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. They are:
- The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the District receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal or Assistant Superintendent of Student Services a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
Copies of education records are available upon written request and verification of identity within 45 calendar days of an initial request for access.
- The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
Parents or eligible students may ask the Kentwood Public Schools to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly identify that part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
If the district decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the District will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
- The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The District has published a Directory Information policy that describes the circumstances in which it will disclose designated personally identifiable information about students to outside organizations. In addition, two federal laws (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002) require local educational agencies to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories – names, addresses and phone listings. Parents or eligible students have the right to refuse to let the school designate any or all of those types of information as directory information. Requests must be filed in writing with the Office of Student Services within 10 school days of the student’s official enrollment date.
- The District shall, as permitted by law, disclose personally identifiable information about students without consent to school officials with a legitimate educational interest in the specific information. Disclosures to other individuals generally require consent. A school official is and includes all of the following:
- A person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement personnel) who either performs an administrative or clerical task as required by the district, or who performs a supervisory or instructional task related to a student’s education or behavior at school; an employee who will use personal information about the student in performing education, discipline related or clerical task in connection with a student;
- a person serving on the School Board, to the extent the member has a legitimate educational interest in the information contained in the records and is performing a task authorized or delegated by the Board;
- a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist) or to perform a supervisory, administrative, instructional, or clerical task in connection with a student as prescribed by the District;
- a person employed by an agency or other non-profit organization who, with the prior written approval of the District’s Superintendent or designee, will use personal information about the student to provide services approved or requested by the District, to a student, groups of students, or their families, such as emergency health care, counseling, outreach services, or other group services related to a student’s academic or behavioral performance, or school or job placement;
- a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks;
- a volunteer, who with the District’s approval, uses personal information about a student to perform an administrative or clerical task, or who performs a supervisory or instructional service related to the student’s education, or who provides services to a student’s family such as emergency health care, counseling, or school or job placement;
- personally identifiable information is also provided to child study or student support teams, or the Threat & Violence Assessment Team, which may include individuals employed by external agencies or organizations who provide services to the student or student’s family, however external resources shall only have access to information concerning students with whom they are involved.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to: fulfill his or her professional responsibility to the student, the student’s family, or to the District; perform an administrative task required in the employee’s job description or in a contract with the District; perform a supervisory or instructional task related to a student’s family, such as, but not limited to, emergency care, counseling or job placement; perform a task prescribed by the District.
Upon request, the District discloses educational records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
- The District may disclose personally identifiable information about students to organizations conducting research only if the research project meets any applicable standards established by law and the District.
6. The District discloses personally identifiable information about students to auditing agencies and organizations to the extent permitted or required by law. Michigan House Bill 5130 enacted on March 11, 2002, requires schools to release student directory information to armed forces recruiters and the service academies of the armed forces when the information has been requested.
7. Parents or guardians of minor students, and students who are 18 or older have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202-4605
Directory information includes:
- Student’s name
- Address
- Phone number
- Electronic mail address
- Photographs & videos
- Parent or guardian
- Date and place of birth
- Major field of study
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams
- Participation in and eligibility for officially recognized activities and sports
- Dates of attendance
- Grade placement
- Honors & awards received
- Most recent educational agency or school attended by the student
Kentwood Public Schools Notice of Nondiscrimination Policy
Kentwood Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, height, weight, or marital status in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Kentwood Public Schools Drug-Free Policy
The Kentwood Public School District desires to provide a safe and caring learning environment. Students and staff will share a commitment to high standards of academic performance and behavior that will enable all students to become productive members of society. The district is committed to providing a tobacco, alcohol and other drug-free environment. The district acknowledges that some students have academic, physical, emotional, social, alcohol and other drug problems that interfere with learning. The district’s program seeks to build a preventive coalition of educators, parents, business representatives, community agencies, citizens and students. The district recognizes that students with chemical dependency and other related problems can be helped with student cooperation. Prevention is a proactive process that promotes healthy choices for individuals and the community. The school district believes prevention must be an integral part of student services.
As a condition of use of Kentwood Public Schools resources and Internet access, each student and parent must sign and date that they have read the Kentwood Public Schools Student Internet & Computer Use Agreement included in this handbook. See additional information on internet safety in this handbook.
Kentwood Public School District (“District”) provides a wide range of computer resources to its students and staff for the purpose of advancing the educational mission of the District. These resources are provided and maintained at the District’s -- and therefore, the public’s -- expense and are to be used by members of the school community with respect for the public trust through which they have been provided. Access to District resources, including the Internet, is a privilege and not a right. The District and its designees will be the sole judge(s) regarding the type, quality and duration of access to computing and Internet resources and may discontinue use at any time, with or without notice, for any reason whatsoever.
The Acceptable Use Policy that follows provides details regarding the appropriate and inappropriate use of District computers. The procedures do not attempt to articulate all required or proscribed behavior by users. Successful operation of the District computer network requires that all users conduct themselves in a responsible, decent, ethical, and polite manner while using the District computers. You, the user, are ultimately responsible for your actions in accessing and using District computers and the District computer network. As a user of District computers, you are expected to review and understand the guidelines and procedures in this document.
Scope: The following applies to all District staff and students, and covers all District computer equipment including any desktop or laptop computers provided to staff, the District computer network, and any computer software licensed to the District.
Appropriate Use: The District expects everyone to exercise good judgment and use the computer equipment in a professional manner. Your use of the equipment is expected to be related to the District’s goals of educating students and/or conducting District business. The District recognizes, however, that some personal use is inevitable, and that incidental and occasional personal use that is infrequent or brief in duration is permitted so long as it occurs on personal time, does not interfere with District business, and is not otherwise prohibited by District policy or procedures.
Use of District Software: District software is licensed to the District by a large number of vendors and may have specific license restrictions regarding copying or using a particular program. Users of District software must obtain written permission from the District prior to copying or loading District software onto any computer, whether the computer is privately owned or is a District Computer. Users are not to delete or add software to District Computers without obtaining written permission in advance from the District.
Use of District Hardware: Users of District Computers are expected to respect the District’s property and be responsible in using the equipment. Users are to follow any District instructions regarding maintenance or care of the equipment. Users may be held responsible for any damage caused by intentional or negligent acts in caring for District Computers under their control. The District is responsible for any routine maintenance or standard repairs to District Computers. Users are expected to timely notify the District of any need for service.
Use of Non-District Software and Hardware: Prior to loading non-District software onto District Computers (including laptops and desktops), a user must receive permission from the District. All software must be legally licensed by the user prior to loading onto District Equipment. The unauthorized use of and/or copying of software is illegal. It is against KPS practice for staff or students to copy or reproduce any licensed software using KPS computing equipment, except as expressly permitted by the specific software license. Unauthorized use of software is regarded as a serious matter and any such use is without the consent of KPS." Prior to connecting any non-District computer equipment (laptop, desktop, wireless access point, etc.) to the District network, a user must receive written permission from the District.
Prohibited Uses: District Computers may not be used for the following purposes (Please note that this list is illustrative, and is not intended to be all inclusive):
• Commercial Use: Using District Computers for personal or private gain, personal business, or commercial advantage is prohibited.
• Political Use: Using District Computers for political purposes in violation of federal, state, or local laws is prohibited. This prohibition includes using District computers to assist or to advocate, directly or indirectly, for or against a ballot proposition and/or the election of any person to any office. The use of District Computers for the expression of personal political opinions to elected officials is prohibited. Only those staff authorized by the Superintendent may express the District’s position on pending legislation or other policy matters.
• Illegal or Indecent Use: Using District Computers for illegal, harassing, vandalizing, inappropriate, or indecent purposes (including accessing, storing, or viewing pornographic, indecent, or otherwise inappropriate material), or in support of such activities is prohibited. Illegal activities are any violations of federal, state, or local laws (for example, copyright infringement, publishing defamatory information, or committing fraud). Harassment includes
slurs, comments, jokes, innuendoes, unwelcome compliments, cartoons, pranks, or verbal conduct relating to an individual that (1) have the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment;
(2) have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or school performance, or (3) interfere with school operations. Vandalism is any attempt to harm or destroy the operating system, application software, or data. Inappropriate use includes any violation of the purpose and goal of the network. Indecent activities include violations of generally accepted social standards for use of publicly-owned and operated equipment.
• Using the unauthorized identity or credit of another person or entity without their expression permission is prohibited.
• Bullying using the Internet is prohibited.
• Non-District Employee Use: District Computers may only be used by District staff and students, and others expressly authorized by the District to use the equipment.
• Email Use: Students may not access personal email accounts unless it directly relates to their coursework and approval is given by the teacher or supervisor.
• Disruptive Use: District Computers may not be used to interfere or disrupt other users, services, or equipment. For example, disruptions include distribution of unsolicited advertising (“Spam”), propagation of computer viruses, distribution of large quantities of information that may overwhelm the system (chain letters, network games, or broadcasting messages), and any unauthorized access to or destruction of District Computers or other resources accessible through the District’s computer network ("Cracking" or "Hacking").
Privacy: District Computers, the Internet, and use of email are not inherently secure or private. For example, the content of an email message, including attachments, is most analogous to a letter or official memo rather than a telephone call, since a record of the contents of the email may be preserved by the sender, recipient, any parties to whom the email may be forwarded, or by the email system itself. It is important to remember that once an email message is sent, the sender has no control over where it may be forwarded and deleting a message from the user’s computer system does not necessarily delete it from the District computer system. In some cases, emails have also been treated as public records in response to a public records disclosure request. Likewise, files, such as Internet "cookies" may be created and stored on a computer without the user’s knowledge. Users are urged to be caretakers of their own privacy and to not store sensitive or personal information on District Computers. Use of the Internet, and information and available resources, are at the user’s own risk. The District makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, for the services/products/access it provides and is not responsible for damages of any kind whatsoever or for the security of the user’s personal information.
Users have no legitimate expectation of privacy. The District reserves the right to do monitor or review individual user’s Internet and e-mail use for any reason. The District specifically reserves the right to monitor and review the information for a variety of reasons, included, but not limited to, analyze the use of systems or compliance with policies, conduct audits, review performance or conduct, obtain information, or for other reasons. The District reserves the right to disclose any electronic message to law enforcement officials, and under some circumstances, may be required to disclose information to law enforcement officials, the public, or other third parties, for example, in response to a document production request made in a lawsuit involving the District or by a third party against the user or pursuant to a public records disclosure request.
Using the Internet Wisely:
• Be circumspect about where you go and what you do. Do not visit any site or download or share any material that might cause anyone to question your professionalism, or the District’s.
• Read the "License" or "Legal" contract terms on every site. Do not purport to bind the District to any license or other contract. If you make an agreement on your own behalf, do not violate that agreement using the District equipment or Internet account.
• Do not assume that just because something is on the Internet, you may copy it. As a general rule, assume that everything is copyrighted and do not copy it unless there is a notice on the site stating that you may do so. For example, if you see a clever cartoon assume that you may NOT copy it. Governmental documents are an exception (you may copy them), but you must confirm that it is the "government" and not a government-related entity such as the post office.
• You can create liability for yourself and the District. For example, if you "publish" (type or forward) words that defame or disparage another individual or institution, if you upload or download or re-send copyrighted or pornographic material, if you use the Internet to harass or discriminate against someone, or if you provide private information or data about someone, you may violate applicable laws or District policy. Make sure none of your activities violate any law or policy.
• Do not engage in any "spamming" or other activities that could clog or congest Internet networks.
Discipline: The Appropriate Use Procedures are applicable to all users of District Computers and refers to all information resources whether individually controlled, shared, stand alone, or networked. Disciplinary action, if any, for students, staff, and other users shall be consistent with the District’s standard policies and practices. Violations may constitute cause for revocation of access privileges, suspension of access to District computers, other school disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. Specific disciplinary measures will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Bullying Policy
The District strictly prohibits the bullying of a District pupil, and also prohibits the retaliation or false accusation against a target of bullying, a witness, or another person with reliable information about an act of bullying. All pupils are protected under Board Policy JAAB and Public Act 241.
KENTWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Board of Education Policy:
Policy Prohibiting Bullying
The District strictly prohibits the bullying of a District pupil, and also prohibits the retaliation or false accusation against a target of bullying, a witness, or another person with reliable information about an act of bullying. All pupils are protected under this policy; bullying is prohibited at school regardless of its subject matter or motivating animus.
Bullying is defined as any written, verbal, or physical act, or any electronic communication that is intended, or that a reasonable person would know is likely to harm, one or more pupils either directly or indirectly by doing any of the following:
1. Substantially interfering with educational opportunities, benefits, or programs of one or more pupils.
2. Adversely affecting the ability of a pupil to participate in or benefit from the school district’s or public school’s educational programs or activities by placing the pupil in reasonable fear of physical harm or by causing substantial emotional distress.
3. Having an actual and substantial detrimental effect on a pupil’s physical or mental health.
4. Causing substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school.
Bullying is prohibited “at school”, meaning on school premises, at school sponsored activities or events, on a school bus or related vehicle, official bus stops, or a telecommunications access device or service provider owned by or under the school’s control. “Telecommunications access device” and “telecommunications service provider” mean those terms as defined in Section 219a of the Penal Code (MCL §750.219a). Bullying that does not occur at school, including “cyber-bullying,” may be subject to disciplinary action if it causes a substantial disruption to the educational environment.
The Superintendent is responsible for insuring that this policy is implemented in compliance with Matt’s Law, 2011 Public Act 241.
1. This policy shall annually be circulated in all school buildings and departments, discussed with students, incorporated into student handbooks, and posted on the District’s website;
2. Reports or complaints of bullying shall be filed with the building principal, superintendent, or their designees, as described within the Student Code of Conduct and/or Administrative Guidelines. The District strongly encourages reports or complaints of bullying to be filed promptly after it is believed that bullying has occurred;
3. Upon receipt of a report or complaint of any act of bullying, the principal or principal’s designee shall promptly investigate and document the findings and consequences, if any, and where appropriate, take corrective action designed to reduce or eliminate the bullying;
4. In the event an investigation finds that bullying has occurred, the principal or principal’s designee shall promptly notify the parent or legal guardian of the victim(s) of the bullying, and the parent or legal guardian of the perpetrator(s) of the bullying;
5. Each school shall document any prohibited incident of bullying that is reported and any resulting disciplinary consequences;
6. All verified incidents of bullying and the resulting consequences, including discipline and referrals, shall be annually reported to the Board of Education.
Ref: MCL §380.1310b
I. Purpose: Kentwood Public Schools is committed to providing an educational environment in which students feel safe and able to learn. Our district complies with zero tolerance for aggressive or violent acts. The code of conduct has been written to address problems which could arise, although many of the following offenses listed are not commonplace in our school.
When appropriate, administration may elect to utilize restorative practices in order to address certain types of behavioral issues. The underlying premise of restorative practice is to provide a specific process with defined protocols that brings together those have have caused harm through their actions with those they have directly or indirectly harmed. Specifically, structured communication strategies seek to repair relationships and promote greater empathy among students. The aim of restorative practice is to reduce the number of out of school suspensions as well as repair the classroom, school or community environment.
II. Categories of Student Misconduct and Penalties:
Misconduct related to the safety of others:
- in or inciting a fight.
a. Each offense: Parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, possible 1 to 10 days
- Misconduct related to citizenship:
- Possession, distribution and/or use of illegal products (tobacco products, alcohol, or controlled substances) on all Kentwood Public Schools property and/or at school sponsored activities:
- Each offense: Parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, possible 1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension, possible police contact, possible recommended expulsion.
- Verbal and/or physical abuse of school employees/students:
- Each offense: Parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, possible 1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension, possible police contact, possible recommended expulsion.
- Unauthorized leaving of school grounds:
- Each offense: Parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, possible 1 to 10 days suspension.
4. Possession and/or use of electronic devices: (While certain electronic communications devices are
allowed in school, the following regulations apply)
a. Cellular telephones of any type, including camera phones, pagers/beepers shall not be turned
on or visible while in the school building or at any school-sponsored events where there is a
reasonable expectation of quiet attentiveness or where use of the device would cause any
disruption or constitute an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy. Building
administration may grant specific permission for possession or use of a device due to a
bonafide health or safety issue.
- Devices operated in violation of this rule shall be confiscated and potentially not returned until, where appropriate, parent(s) and/or guardian(s) conference has been held.
- Students found to be using any electronic communications device to in any way send or receive personal messages, data, or information that would contribute to or constitute cheating on tests or examinations shall be subject to discipline and the device shall be confiscated and not returned until a parent conference has been held. Students using electronic/communication devices to commit illegal acts, transmit pornographic or inappropriate material, unreasonably invade a person’s privacy, or use “cellular camera phones” without the subject’s permission will be disciplined and the device confiscated. Students violating this rule will potentially lose privileges from carrying any personal communication device following the incident unless there is a documented personal health need.
- Students found to be using any electronic communications device in violation of these rules shall be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct. Where appropriate, police authorities may be contacte
C. Sexual and/or racial harassment:
- Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, any unwelcome or unwanted sexual advances, or other verbal, written or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
a. Each offense: Parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, possible
1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension, possible police contact, possible
recommended expulsion.
- Racial harassment includes, but is not limited to racial slurs, degrading remarks and comments of an inflammatory nature.
a. Each offense: Parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, possible
1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension, possible police contact, possible
recommended expulsion.
D. Gross Misbehavior and/or persistent disobedience - conduct detrimental to the normal
functioning of the school or school activities, such as:
1. Use of profanity:
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/parental conference and/or restorative
practices, possible 1 to 10 days suspension.
2. Inappropriate student behavior, dishonest student behavior, disrespectful student behavior,
obscene gestures or notes, offensive or profane language, bullying and gang related behavior
including gestures, fights, confrontations, graffiti and dress which promotes gang activities,
threats or intimidation toward other persons, creating disturbances.
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices,
possible 1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension, possible police contact,
possible recommended expulsion.
3. Insubordination: not complying with authority, disobedient:
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices,
possible 1 to 10 days suspension.
4. Weapons: Possession of a dangerous weapon/firearm (or facsimile therefore),
and/or arson criminal sexual conduct on district property or at district/school
sponsored events. The following objects are considered dangerous weapons according to state
law: a gun, dagger, dirk, stiletto, knife with a blade over three (3) inches in length, pocket knife
opened by a mechanical device, iron bar, or brass knuckles. Administrative discretion will be
used when determining other items constituting a dangerous weapon.
As part of this commitment, the administration intends to strictly enforce the mandatory
expulsion consequences in its effort to maintain schools free of dangerous weapons and unsafe
behavior. We ask the cooperation of all students in working to accomplish this goal.
a. Offense: Parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, possible
1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension, possible recommended
expulsion, possible police contact or referral to juvenile delinquency system and/or
appropriate county department of social services or community mental health agency.
- Misconduct related to public and private property:
- Destruction/defacing of school property and/or personal property:
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, restitution of property,
possible 1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension.
2. Theft or abuse of school property and/or personal property:
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices, restitution of property,
possible 1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term suspension.
- Misconduct related to attendance:
- Continued tardiness:
a. Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices.
2. Violation of compulsory school attendance laws:
a. Parental contact/parental conference and/or referral to Kent County Intermediate School
District for formal supportive and/or legal action.
- Home-to-school and school-to-home conduct:
- Students should conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner.
- Fighting, harassment, intimidation, trespassing will not be tolerated.
- Offenses of this nature will be worked out between school and home.
- Criminal activity:
- When a student’s commission of/or participation in a criminal activity occurs in a non-school context, school officials may nevertheless impose an appropriate consequence, including suspension or expulsion, when such consequence is reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the school district.
- Misconduct related to attire:
- All clothing must be of appropriate size and fit neatly. Generally, students are prohibited from dressing, grooming, or decorating themselves in a manner that distracts others (including administrators, teachers, parents, and other students) from meeting or surpassing the academic and achievement goals established by the District and the State of Michigan. Students are also prohibited from dressing, grooming, or decorating themselves in a manner that administrators or teachers reasonably believe is unsafe; or tends to disrupt, diminish, or degrade the District’s overall educational environment.
- Consistent with this policy, the following is a non-exclusive, illustrative list of examples of prohibited items:
a. Head coverings (for example, hats, visors, hoods, bandanas, etc.). Exceptions for
religious head coverings.
b. Shirts or tops tied off above the waist, tank tops, halters, spaghetti straps, bare mid-
riffs, etc.
c. Shorts, skirts, or dresses that do not reach to at least the top of the student’s fingertips
when arms are extended.
d. Pants that are worn below the waist.
e. Coats or other outerwear designed to be worn out of doors.
f. Footwear other than shoes (for example, skates, “heelies”, slippers, etc.). Also, high-
platform shoes will not be permitted.
g. Clothing that is sexually provocative or revealing, including, but not limited to,
Spandex-type garments.
h. Pajamas.
i. Clothing that results in the exposure of undergarments, intentionally or unintentionally.
j. Chains (non-jewelry) or chain wallets are not to be worn in school.
k. Clothing or accessories that may impair the health or safety of the student or others in
the educational environment, in the judgment of an administrator or teacher.
l. Clothing that promotes death and/or destruction.
m. Clothing that promotes or contains vulgar, lewd or obscene language, gang or illegal
activity, or that is inconsistent with the District policy, including the District’s Student
Code of Conduct.
n. Clothing that promotes or creates ill-will, hatred, or is divisive or prejudicial or the
basis of race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender or disability.
3. The building administration reserves the right to send students home or require them to change their attire if
they come to school dressed inappropriately.
J. Bus Conduct Rules:
- Students shall conduct themselves in a safe and orderly fashion at the bus stop. Respect for driver, other students and property is expected.
- Students shall wait until the bus is completely stopped before attempting to board. No pushing or shoving in line.
- Students shall walk to their seats; remain seated after the bus is in motion; and keep their heads, arms, etc. inside the bus.
- Students must cross in front of the bus and at a distance where they are plainly visible to the driver and only when the flashers are activated and the driver has motioned them to cross.
- Students must notify the driver before attempting to retrieve articles dropped under or near the bus.
- Students must obtain a bus pass from their building administrator to take a different bus home or get off at a different stop.
- Students shall refrain from loud or rowdy behavior or any behavior that is distracting to the driver.
- Students shall not eat, drink or smoke on the bus.
- Students are responsible to the school conduct rules as provided in the Student Code of Conduct for each school.
1. Inappropriate behavior directed to the driver. Profanity directed to the driver, disrespectful
behavior, failing to follow directives of the driver.
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative practices,
restitution of property, possible 1 to 10 days suspension.
- Assault, pushing, hitting, threats to driver.
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative
practices, restitution of property, possible 1 to 10 days suspension, possible long-term
3. Unsafe or Inappropriate Behavior:
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative
practices, restitution of property, possible 1 to 10 days suspension.
4. Failure to follow bus safety rules, School Code of Conduct, safe and orderly behavior at bus
a. Each offense: Possible parental contact/conference and/or restorative
practices, restitution of property, possible 1 to 10 days suspension.
K. Appeal Process – Out-of-school Suspension 1-10 days.
Students, parents/guardians have the right to appeal out-of-school suspension of 10 days or less. The appeal process is as follows:
- Within three school days after notification of the suspension of the student, parent/guardian must request a meeting with the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services/Designee for Kentwood Public Schools.
- Following the conference, the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services/Designee will inform the student and/or his/her parents or guardians of the decision. If a decision is made to reduce or reverse the suspension, the student’s records will be corrected and the student given an opportunity to make up all school work missed for full credit. The Assistant Superintendent of Student Services/Designee’s decision is final and not subject to further review.
Note: If request to appeal is not made within three school days, the administrator’s decision will not be subject to further review. In-school suspensions are not subject to appeal.
L. Appeal Process – Out-of–School Suspension More Than 10 Days or Expulsion.
When the decision to suspend for more than 10 school days or expel is made, students, parents/guardians will receive a copy of the applicable sections of KPS Board policy and associated regulations from the enforcing administrator. Parents/guardians wishing to appeal the decision must submit a written request to the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services/Designee within three school days. (Policy JDD)
Additional Conditions:
- If there is an appeal, the student will remain suspended pending the appeal only if the building or program administrator determines that the student’s continued presence in school during the appeal process presents an immediate threat of harm to the student or others, or poses a risk of disruption to the educational process.
- Federal or State of Michigan guidelines for the suspension/expulsion of students with disabilities supersede the Kentwood Policy related to suspension or expulsion.
M. In accordance with Title IV, Part A, Subpart 4, Section 4155 of the No Child Left behind
Act, disciplinary records pertaining to suspension/expulsion will become a part of the
student’s permanent school record.
- Detention: Exclusion from recess or staying after school.
- Parental contact: Any communication with a student’s parent/guardian. This may take the form of a phone call, letter or meeting.
- Parental Conference: Telephone or face-to-face discussion with parents/guardians, student and administrator.
- Restorative Practice: Practices that emphasize repairing the harm to the victim and the school community caused by the student misconduct. MCL 380.1310c(3)b
- Suspension: Dismissal from school and all school activities for a stated behavior violation for a specified length of time up to 10 school days. (Reference Board of Education Policy JDD).
- Long-term suspension: Dismissal from school and all school activities for longer than 10 days.
- Expulsion: Dismissal from school and all school activities longer than 10 days and up to 180 days.