Here are some common questions new students might have. Students who move into the district can register at any time during the school year.
I'm new, where should I start? Parents need a current email address to start the registration process. You then need to create a parentvue account and can create one by clicking here. After a parentvue account is set up you can use it to register a student and keep current on important information about your student throughout their career at KPS.
I think I already have a ParentVUE account but I am having trouble accessing my current ParentVUE account. Can you help? Yes, please email the help desk at for help with your parentvue account.
I already have a student that goes to Kentwood. Do I have to do everything all over again? No, just go into your parentvue account and make sure the information we have is current, then upload a current proof of residency and we will get you all set.
What documents do I need to upload for a new student when I register? We need a parent ID, birth certificate, up to date immunization records (or official waiver from the Kent health department) and 2 proofs of residency. You do not need to bring these documents into the school, simply upload them in parentvue.
What documents can I provide for proof of residency? We need a mortgage/lease with your name and address along with a current utility bill dated within the past 30 days.
I do not have proof of residency because I either live with another family member or do not have permanent housing at this time. What do I do? Finish enrollment and then email our office at to let us know your situation. We will get you connected with someone at our administration building to work with you on the correct documents. Please note, you might not receive verification of enrollment right away.
My student needs transportation. When will I find out what bus they ride? When enrolling make sure to click that your child needs transportation. The bus information will be in parentvue under student information (at the bottom click "other information"). We will also give you the information on the first day your student attends with us. Please note - bus routes will not be finalized until close to the start of the school year in August.
My student receives special services, what do I do? If your student has a current IEP or 504 with another school district it is helpful to upload that when registering your student, however it is not required to complete enrollment.
My student has specific health/dietary needs. How do I let the school know? When registering you can mark health conditions and dietary needs for your child. If your student needs a daily medication, you will need to obtain a form from our office that is filled out by both you and your pediatrician's office before we are able to administer any kind of medication, even over the counter meds. If your student has a life-threatening allergy or health condition, please make sure to stop by our office or call and speak with us directly.
I have a student already at Endeavor under a within district transfer. Do I need to do anything?For the 2025-2026 school year you will need to fill out a new WDT form for all students. You can get these from your school's office staff.
I don't live in Kentwood Public School's district but I want my student to attend. What do I do? Go to our main KPS homepage and fill out a school of choice application (form available starting in April). If you miss this date, email our office for next steps.
I missed the School of Choice deadline but we still want our child to attend Endeavor. What do we do? If you've missed the window for school of choice (see above) you can apply for a section 6, which allows you (if approved) to attend for the remainder of the school year.
Any additional questions feel free to email our office directly at Thanks again for choosing Kentwood Public Schools!