Programs & Activities
Parent Involvement Policy 
Challenger Elementary provides an extensive list of activities and programs designed to enhance educational goals. Information regarding any of these programs and activities may be readily obtained from the school.
- Learning Standards K-5 for all curriculum areas
- Math in Focus
- District program for cognitively impaired students K-5
- IReady Reading and Math Program
- Art, Music and Physical Education Program
- School-Wide Family Learning Event and a Family Picnic
- IMPACT for 4th and 5th grade gifted students
- Kids Hope Mentors
- Nutrition in Action Program through YMCA
- Junior Achievement Economics Learning Partner
- Student Peacemaker Program
- Assemblies and Grade Level Field Trips
- Annual Field Day
- After School ARCH Program
- Mobile Dentist Program
- Annual 4th Grade Wax Museum of Famous People
- At-Home Book-It Reading Incentive Program
- Summer Celebration
- Summer School Program
Learning Assessments
- K-5 District Assessments in Reading, Writing, and Math
- Third Grade-MStep English Language Arts and Math
- Fourth Grade-MStep English Language Arts and Math and Science
- Fifth Grade-MStep English Language Arts, Math and Social Studies