District News

KIDS Program
Through the Eyes of Our Students - Mawqar's Kentwood Story
Category: Home Page Feature

At Kentwood Public Schools, we strive to see the work we all do Through the Eyes of Our Students. KPS is a special place, made up of amazing students with unique and meaningful stories. Mawqar, aka Mo, is a Sophomore at East Kentwood High School. He has been a student in Kentwood Public Schools since he was a young boy at Challenger Elementary. We can learn a lot from Mo and his story. We invite you to watch Mawqar's Kentwood story, through his eyes.

Townline Transition Toolkit
Building: Townline Elementary
A Guide to Making your Transition Smooth and Successful
Southwood Transition Toolkit
Building: Southwood Elementary
A Guide to Making your Transition Smooth and Successful
Meadowlawn Transition Toolkit
Building: Meadowlawn Elementary
A Guide to Making your Transition Smooth and Successful