Frequently Asked Questions: Revised Elementary Attendance Zones and New Hamilton Elementary & Early Childhood Center

Kentwood Public Schools is one of three districts in Kent County to have growing student enrollment during the past 10 years, with the second-highest percentage of student growth in the county. New housing communities are being constructed throughout the district currently, with more being planned. In short, Kentwood has become a “destination district” in our region and state. Kentwood Public Schools is committed to offering a high quality education, with equitable opportunities for all students. By adding our 11th elementary school, we will be well-positioned to continue our commitment to excellence and equity in education for many years to come. 

 The $20 million dollar extensive renovation and construction project to create the new Hamilton Elementary and Early Childhood Center began in the spring of 2024. The building is set to open in August 2025 for the 2025-26 school year.

Hamilton will be a preschool - 5th grade building, including a dedicated space for an Early Childhood Center.

Yes. In order to create a group of students for the new building, adjustments have been made to the attendance zones for all elementary schools.

When a new school opens, it is necessary to rework attendance zones to create a group of students to attend the new school. This also provides us an opportunity to look at the overall attendance zones of all schools to ensure we are meeting goal # 2 of our strategic plan, providing equitable opportunities and outcomes for each student.

The district used current enrollment data, examined home construction, both current and planned, for the area, and considered stakeholder feedback to make decisions regarding the new elementary attendance zones. Stakeholder feedback from fall 2023 revealed three priorities when determining new attendance zones for elementary schools: 1) creating/maintaining neighborhood schools; 2) maintaining diversity in the buildings; and 3) considering population growth/balance for elementary schools.

The new boundaries will go into effect for the 2025-26 school year. You may find your assigned school in the district's School Assignment Locator.

The district completed an extensive process to create an attendance zone for Hamilton Elementary and to revise attendance zones for all other elementary buildings. This process was guided by feedback from stakeholder groups who shared that the top priorities for creating new attendance zones were: 1) Creating/Maintaining neighborhood schools; 2) Maintaining diverse student populations within each school; and 3) Planning for future population growth. The district was guided by these priorities as it looked at existing boundaries, current student attendance, and new homes now being built and planned for the future, among other issues. The district then created new attendance boundaries for all elementary schools and presented it to the community. These attendance zones were revised based on input from families and staff. In mid-January 2025, the KPS Board of Education approved the elementary attendance zones for our district. All elementary families will receive a letter in late February telling them of their assigned school for 2025-26. 

The district conducted three in-depth rounds of stakeholder engagement, beginning in the fall of 2023, with additional rounds in the spring of 2024 and the fall of 2024. These included surveys, focus groups, and town hall meetings involving parents, students, staff, and other community members. Input and feedback from this process played an important role in making and revising decisions regarding the new school and the changes to existing elementary attendance zones.

You may enter your address in the district’s School Assignment Locator to find your child’s assigned school for 2025-26.

Yes. All Kentwood Public Schools students need to register for the 2025-26 school year. Online registration begins on February 24, 2025. Families may register students through the KPS website. Online registration is required each school year.

Families may continue to apply for a “Within District Transfer”. This KPS policy allows students to transfer from their home building to another building within our district. Approval is dependent upon space availability at individual schools, among other factors. As a reminder, family members are responsible for providing transportation to and from school.

Students who are attending KPS via Schools of Choice will remain in our district at their current assigned elementary school.

Kentwood Public Schools is committed to creating warm and welcoming environments at each of our schools. We are creating a transitional support online toolkit that will be available to families to help ensure that the transition to a new school is smooth and successful for students. In addition, a welcoming event will take place at each school on May 29, 2025 so that students and families can see their new schools and meet staff members prior to summer break. More details to come regarding this event.

As a district, we will ensure that special services and accommodations follow your child to their new school. In addition, we will take time with special needs students and families to introduce them to their new schools, classrooms, and teachers. Your child’s physical and emotional health are important to us.

The decisions for staffing will come in the Spring following the process of notifying students of their schools for the upcoming school year.