KBB scrip Enrollment code 29283D383936
This program is an easy way to earn student account money for all your instrumental music needs. To refresh your memory or to introduce you to this program, please read the following:
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What Is Scrip?
Scrip is a term that means "substitute money". When you purchase scrip, you're purchasing negotiable gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. If you purchase a $50 gift card, it is worth $50 to spend. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials, and with every purchase, you earn revenue for our organization and your student account!
How scrip generates revenue for you
The Great Lakes Scrip Center acts on behalf of churches, schools and other non-profit organizations to purchase large amounts of scrip from grocery stores, department stores, and other retailers. Because the scrip is purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount or rebate. When you buy scrip, that rebate - from two to fifteen percent or more - is our revenue.
Scrip is "shopping cart fundraising"
Scrip is a popular fundraiser because families don't have to sell anything. Organization members produce revenue by making regular household purchases they would make anyway. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, even gasoline can be purchased with scrip. Once you get in the weekly swing of purchasing, it's as easy as 1-2-3.
How to Order Scrip:
KBB uses a program called Shopwithscrip. In order to use the program effectively, and for us to be able to make sure your student accounts receive proper credit, it is necessary for you to register your email with in order to place your orders. As your emails are registered you will be receiving a welcome email with information about Shopwithscrip.
For those of you who do not have an email address, we can still enter orders for you. They are called Proxy orders. However, we will need an email address for your family that we can register. Google, Yahoo and MSN all offer free email service.
Please check out the retailer list at for available merchants and the discounts offered on their gift cards/certificates.
New Payment Option for Shopwithscrip orders: We are pleased to announce an enhancement to the KBB Scrip ordering procedure. You now have the option, through Presto Pay (similar to PayPal), to pay for your scrip order when you place your order through Shopwithscrip. This means you won't have to worry about getting your payment to the Scrip coordinator every Monday. All you need to do is register one time with Presto Pay, from your shopwithscrip page, and you will be set-up. This new way to pay will also make it easier for your friends and relatives to participate with the scrip program. Of course, you can still choose to pay by check if you prefer. But you may find that you will enjoy the convenience of paying when you order.
To sign up, log in to your Shopwithscrip account. At the top of the screen there is a message which states: "You do not have a presto-pay account. Click here to create one." By clicking as indicated, the website will direct you through some easy enrollment screens and you can then choose when you want to participate with this payment method.
Presto-Pay is a convenient way for you to pay for your order on-line, at the time you place your order. With Presto-Pay your payment will be electronically deducted from your checking account, and Great Lakes Scrip Company will accept your payment on behalf of KBB. Once you have successfully enrolled, and verified your bank account information, you will have the option of paying for your order with Presto-Pay. You can still pay your organization via check, and will have the option to select your payment type each time you order, during the check-out process.