Medications at School

Please read the medication procedure closely and follow up with your building nurse with any questions.

Link to medication consent: Medication Consent Form SY 24-25

SY 25-26 Medication Administration Consent Form

Dear Parents/Guardians:

To help your student succeed in school, we are able to dispense medications during school hours.  

Below is our procedure regarding medications at school and a consent form for completion.

  • As a parent/guardian you MUST transport ANY medications to and from school.  This is a safety issue, medications may not be sent in backpacks, lunch boxes, etc.
  • Prescription AND Non-Prescription medications (including over the counter) require a medication consent form signed by a provider and parent/guardian. The only things we can provide in school without a consent form from a provider is soap, water, bandages, ice, and comfort.

*Medication cannot be dispensed without a complete form.

  • New/Changes to Prescriptions – If a prescription changes (time, dose, etc.) a new form will need to be completed by the provider and parent.
  • Medications brought to school must be in the prescription or over the counter bottle. We will not dispense medications from an outdated bottle, bag, or other container. If you require a second prescription container you can work with the pharmacy to get that. The container must be labeled.
  • Splitting medications is not a requirement of school personnel. Please ask the pharmacy or split the medications prior to bringing them to school.


  • We will try to remind your child to take their medications if they forget. We cannot give medication more than 30 minutes late.  If this occurs, we will contact you and the school nurse for further instruction.
  • We can only give medications for reasons prescribed. Please make sure this section is completed by the provider.
  • For medications associated with asthma, allergies, seizures, and diabetes, please have the provider include the student’s emergency action plan.
  • All medications will be discarded if not picked up by parent/guardian by the last day of school.

Additional medication consent forms are available in the school and the office. The completed form may be faxed to the school building using the number provided.

If you have additional questions you can contact your buildings and ask for the School Nurse.

This procedure is in place to ensure child safety. 

Thank you for your support and cooperation!

Alex Corbett, RN-BSN
Kentwood Public Schools District Nurse Coordinator