Special Education Programs and Services

Autism Programs (K-12)
Autism Spectrum Disorder – Autism Spectrum Disorder is characterized by a difficulty in the child's ability to respond to people, events and objects. Responses to sensations of light, sound and feeling may be exaggerated and delayed speech and language skills may be associated features. The Autism Program focuses on behavior, communication and functional life skills.

EI Programs (K-12)
Emotionally Impaired - Students in this program have behavior disorders over a long period of time and to such a degree that they are unable to do well in school.  Students experience at least one of the following: difficulty developing satisfactory relationships, inappropriate types of behavior or feelings under normal circumstances, general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression, or schizophrenia or other similar disorders.  The program focus is on behavior skill development as well as academics.

Resource Programs at all buildings (K-12)
These programs provide services to students with various disabilities.  Students follow the general curriculum and receive support for academic and/or social-emotional issues.

MoCI Programs (K-12)
Moderate Cognitive Impairment - The program serves students who have a developmental delay that is approximately 3 to 4 ½ standard deviations below the mean. This program focuses on activities of daily living, communication, and functional skills.

Transition Program (Post Secondary)
This program serves students with developmental delays who have completed their high school programs but still require transition activities before being ready to exit from special education.  The program is located in the community and focuses on functional daily living and vocational skills.

ECDD Sections (Half Day)
Early Childhood Developmental Delay - These programs are for children ages 3-6 with developmental, physical, or language delays.

Out of District Programs
Kentwood Public Schools also accesses programs in other KISD districts for students with high needs. These programs include, but are not limited to: Kent Education Centers, Lincoln options, and various regional programs.


Occupational Therapists - Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants
School Social Workers
Speech and Language Pathologists
Teacher Consultants
Physical Therapist (contracted through KISD)