Early Childhood Special Education Programs and Services 

Kentwood Public Schools provides a continuum of services for preschool age students with special education needs that include evaluations for suspected disabilities, home services, outpatient therapy and classroom programs. If you have concerns about your child’s development (ages birth to five) please contact the KPS Child Find line at 616-871-1000.

Who Is Included? The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires school districts to identify and evlauate all children, from birth to age 25, who live in Michigan and are suspected of having a disability that may affect their educational performance and may need special education programs and/or related services.  If you feel your child may have a disability that prohibits him/her from succeeding educationally, please contact Kentwood Public Schools Child Find at 616-871-1000. If your child is under 3 years old, please contact 1-800-Early On (1-800-327-5966) or go to 1800EarlyOn.com to complete a referral for an Early On Evaluation.  www.kentwoodps.org  All children, including children with disabilities who are homeless or wards of the State and children with disabilities attending private schools regardless of the severity of the disability, qualify for the rights outlined in IDEA.