Important Information Regarding COVID-19
Kentwood Public Schools has gathered information and resources that we would like to share with students, parents and families in our community. Below you will find information from the Superintendent's Office, learning activities that you can consider and resources to help children and adults with trauma and stress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID Testing Available
Click here to schedule an appointment with the Kent County Health Department for a COVID Test.
For Chromebook support, please email
COVID-19 PCR Testing for KPS Staff
Kentwood Public Schools is pleased to announce that, in collaboration with the Kent County Health Department and Arctic Medical Laboratories, we will be offering self-administered PCR COVID-19 testing for staff at our Administration building located at 5820 Eastern Ave.
The COVID-19 tests are Saliva PCR tests that will be sent to a laboratory to determine if the virus is detected. The PCR test will provide results 24-48 hours via email or text message using the information provided on the intake registration form.
To pick up a test kit, please call 616-455-4400 ext. 79978 to schedule a pick up time (between 8:30- am and 4:00 pm) and receive further instructions. You will be asked to complete an intake form by scanning the QR code located on the drop box, texting the word COVID to (616-612-1211) or by following this link: . Please complete the intake form prior to dropping off your completed test at the administration building.
Tests may be taken at home or in your vehicle. Please note, participants should not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for 30 minutes prior to taking the test.
Letters from the Superintendent
Parent Communication - February 26, 2022
Dear KPS Families,
In a letter dated February 23, 2022, KPS announced that beginning on Monday, February 28, 2022, face coverings will no longer be required in school. The same letter also stated that per CDC order, face coverings were still required on school buses. That changed late yesterday. In a release dated February 25, 2022, the CDC announced that face coverings are no longer required on school buses.
In accordance with guidance from local, state, and national public health officials, effective February 28, 2022, face coverings are no longer required in any school setting, including school transportation. Students and staff wishing to wear face coverings will be supported by the district in doing so. As always, we will continue to keep you informed of new statements, guidelines and orders from public health officials. If COVID-19 numbers increase again, consideration will be given to take the steps necessary to keep students and staff safe and healthy. Our goal remains keeping students in school as safely as possible.
Thank you for your continued support and your commitment to keeping our students, staff, and community safe!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - February 23, 2022 (English)
February 23, 2022
Dear KPS Families,
Last week, the Kent County Health Department (KCHD) issued a statement announcing the expiration of all public health orders related to COVID-19. Fortunately, COVID-19 numbers are falling steadily, and hospitalizations and deaths are also decreasing. While KPS is currently experiencing the lowest case counts of the school year, COVID-19 will continue to be a factor. However, the time has come to begin easing some of the district’s COVID-19 mitigation strategies.
What does this mean for KPS students?
1. Effective Monday, February 28, 2022, KPS will no longer require students or staff to wear face coverings in school. Face coverings are still encouraged, and any student or staff member that chooses to wear one will have the support of the district to do so.
2. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) order requiring face coverings on public transportation, including school buses, is still in effect.
3. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) public health code requires isolation for individuals who test positive for COVID-19. Families must continue reporting when their child tests positive for COVID-19 to their school. As has been our practice throughout the pandemic, KPS will work with families to identify the isolation dates based on current CDC guidelines.
4. KPS will no longer send daily letters to each family notifying of a positive case, and will move to weekly notification letters. KPS will continue to report positive cases to the KCHD, and maintain the Kent ISD (KISD) COVID dashboard.
5. All other mitigation strategies will continue including a recommendation for vaccines for eligible staff and students, increased ventilation, increased cleaning of high touch areas, self-screening for symptoms associated with COVID-19, and regular hand washing and sanitizing.
At KPS, our first concern is the health and safety of our staff and students. Even though the pandemic is showing signs of weakening, COVID-19 will continue to infect people, similar to the flu or common cold. As always, we will continue to keep you informed of new statements, guidelines and orders from the KCHD, MDHHS, and
CDC. If COVID-19 numbers increase again, consideration will be given to take the steps necessary to keep students and staff safe and healthy. Our goal remains keeping students in school as safely as possible.
Thank you for your patience and support throughout the pandemic. Your partnership has been vital in our efforts to keep the community healthy. Please continue to monitor your child for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and keep them at home if they show symptoms of sickness. Together, we can ensure the wellness of our students, staff, and the community!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - January 14, 2022 (English)
January 14, 2022
Dear KPS Families,
In our continued commitment to keeping you informed on matters of importance, this letter serves as an update on COVID guidance and requirements for schools from the Kent County Health Department (KCHD), the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This week, the KCHD issued a new Public Health Order (PHO) that replaced all existing orders to align with MDHHS and CDC guidelines. As has been the case throughout the pandemic, we are working closely with the KCHD as they provide guidance to our community. We will continue to keep in-person instruction for every student, every day as safely as possible as our goal. Below is a summary of how KPS will implement the updated guidance:
- Isolation: Students or staff that test positive for COVID are required to have a 5 day isolation period at home. Persons who are asymptomatic, or fever-free without medication and with symptoms largely resolved, may return to school wearing an appropriate well-fitting mask on day 6.
- Contact Tracing: The KCHD has deemed the number of cases of COVID-19 in all settings have exceeded the case investigation and contact tracing capacity of the public health system and its partners, including schools. Contact tracing is no longer required. Therefore, KPS will pause contact tracing to redeploy staff to supporting in-person learning.
- Household close contacts for unvaccinated individuals (if symptom free):
- Household close contacts will have a 10 quarantine period
- Household close contacts for fully vaccinated individuals (if symptom free) do NOT have to quarantine if they meet the KCHD definition of fully vaccinated below:
- Anyone 18 or older who has received all recommended COVID vaccine doses, including boosters
- Anyone age 5-17 must have completed the primary series of COVID vaccine doses
- Anyone who has a confirmed case of COVID within the last 90 days
KPS will continue with our existing mitigation plan that includes the following key strategies:
- Vaccine access
- Universal face covering for staff and students
- Increased ventilation
- Increased cleaning and sanitizing
- Self-screening for symptoms associated with COVID and staying home when sick
- Regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer
We will continue to inform you of changes as conditions evolve. Your partnership in supporting the wellbeing of our school community has been essential to the district remaining open for in-person instruction each day. Thank you for your continued support and patience as we partner to work through these challenging times.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - January 3, 2022 (English)
January 3, 2022
Dear KPS Families,
Thank you to our students, staff, and families for a successful return to school today!
This letter serves as a brief update to district communication that was sent on December 31, 2021.
Today, the Kent County Health Department (KCHD) issued a press release announcing that the updated quarantine guidelines announced on December 28, 2021 do not apply to schools. As has been the case throughout the pandemic, KPS has worked closely with the KCHD and followed the guidance they provide. KPS will implement the updated guidance effective immediately, and return to the quarantine guidelines that have been in place since the beginning of the year.
Thank you for your understanding and support of Kentwood Public Schools!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - December 31, 2021 (English)
December 31, 2021
Dear KPS Families,
We hope that everyone has had a safe and happy holiday season! As we look forward to students and staff returning to school on Monday, January 3rd, here is an update regarding our COVID response plan.
KPS continues to be fully committed to providing in-person instruction each day. As has been the case throughout the pandemic, we are working closely with the Kent County Health Department (KCHD) as they provide guidance to our community. Thank you for your continued partnership with the district as we follow safety protocols that continue to make a positive difference in our community.
This week, in accordance with the recent update from the CDC, the KCHD updated guidelines for individuals that test positive, or are close contacts of a positive case. Please see the second page of this letter for the updated guidelines. KPS will implement these changes effective immediately.
As you know, across the country there are record levels of positive cases due to the Omicron variant of COVID19. It is likely that the rapid spread of the Omicron variant will soon impact school operations. In light of this, the district has prepared contingency plans to keep schools open and as safe as possible. As information is available, and if district operational plans change, we will continue to provide you frequent updates and communicate any changes as soon as possible.
We also want to share a few key points from our latest safety strategies and protocols:
- We hope everyone who is eligible receives a vaccination. Evidence suggests those that are fully vaccinated (2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna), or those with the booster, have experienced milder symptoms. We encourage everyone to consult your healthcare provider to become vaccinated or boosted. for vaccine sites.
- Please have your child remain home if they exhibit symptoms associated with COVID-19. The most prominent symptoms of the Omicron variant are fever, sore throat, runny nose. cough, and fatigue.
- If your child has been around someone who has COVID-19, or has symptoms, please consider having your child tested. Testing sites can be found here:
- Face coverings make a positive difference, and for that reason we will continue to require all individuals to use them during the school day and on school buses. We also strongly recommend face coverings for after school activities.
- The KPS school nursing staff has increased, and they are here to assist students and families as we navigate this pandemic.
Thank you for your partnership, your patience and understanding as we navigate these unprecedented times. We also appreciate our dedicated staff for their commitment to providing an excellent learning environment throughout the pandemic. Together, we will continue to live out our vision of Excellence and Equity in Education at Kentwood Public Schools!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - December 15, 2021 (English)
December 15, 2021
Dear KPS Families,
As we go into the holiday season and increasingly hear about the Omicron variant, we wanted to provide a brief health and safety update. Let me begin with a word of thanks for your continued partnership with us regarding the wellbeing of our students. Together, we are making a positive difference in our community.
As of December 8, the statistics are as follows:
- Student cases*: 21 (in the last 7 days) 131 (in November)
- Staff cases*: 8 (in the last 7 days) 30 (in November)
- Positivity rate**: 19.5% (Kent County last 7 days)
- Transmission rate**: 441 (Number of cases per 100,000 last 7 days)
- Outbreaks: 2 (Year to date)
- School closings: 0 (Year to date)
- Vaccine rates in Kentwood**:
- Ages 12-16: 48%
- Ages 17+: 74%
*Source: Kent ISD Dashboard
**Source: Kent County Health Department COVID Dashboard
When comparing these statistics with those we published in early November, it is evident that there has been an uptick in some of the numbers. We will continue to monitor infection rates and use data to make decisions about our mitigation strategies. We will update you as quickly as possible when changes are needed.
Considering the numbers and the arrival of the Omicron variant (with its higher transmission rate), we will continue to require face coverings for students and staff when we return from the holiday break. This helps contain both the transmission of COVID-19 and the spread of colds, flu and other diseases. We will also continue to use other strategies such as vaccination for eligible staff and students, increased ventilation, increased cleaning of high touch areas, self-screening for symptoms associated with COVID-19, regular hand washing and sanitizing, and social distancing.
I’m excited to share one change to our mitigation plan that will take effect after the holidays. Beginning Monday, January 3rd, KPS will welcome volunteers back into our schools! Similar to daily substitute teachers, volunteers must complete a background check, conduct a daily self-screening for symptoms associated with COVID-19, and properly wear a face covering while indoors in school buildings. If a volunteer exhibits any symptoms associated with COVID-19, volunteers will not be allowed to come into school.
Thank you for your continued efforts to keep our children safe and healthy. Your diligence helps students remain in the classroom and keeps our community safe. I hope you and your family enjoy health, peace and joy in this holiday season!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - November 5, 2021 (English)
November 5, 2021
Dear KPS Families,
In our continued commitment to keep you informed on conditions related to the pandemic, this letter serves as an update for the school year through the month of October. I continue to be impressed with the commitment to follow our mitigation plan by both students and staff. Below are some key data points as of November 4, 2021:
- Student cases*: 195 (128 since September 28, 2021)
- Staff cases*: 29 (18 since September 28, 2021)
- Positivity rate**: 17.4% (Kent County last 7 days)
- Transmission rate**: 214 (Number of cases per 100,000 last 7 days)
- Outbreaks: 2
- School closings: 0
- Vaccine rates in Kentwood**:
- Ages 12-16: 46%
- Ages 17+: 73%
*Source: Kent ISD Dashboard
**Source: Kent County Health Department Covid Dashboard
Our key mitigation strategies remain: vaccines for eligible staff and students, increased ventilation, increased cleaning of high touch areas, students in grades PK-12 and staff required face coverings, self screening for symptoms associated with COVID-19, regular hand washing and sanitizing, and social distancing to the extent feasible.
As you may have read, the Kent County Health Department announced the face covering mandate for grades pre-K-6th will expire on January 2, 2021. Throughout the pandemic, Kentwood Public Schools has used data and evidence to inform decision making for our mitigation plan. Over the coming weeks, we will carefully review data and consult with public health experts to determine if changes to our mitigation plan are needed. Any changes to our mitigation plan will be communicated to families well in advance of implementation.
This week, the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) granted Emergency Use Authorization to the COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 - 11 years old. You can read more information here from the FDA. Evidence has demonstrated that communities with higher vaccination rates have lower transmission rates of COVID-19. Parents interested in scheduling the vaccine for their child should visit, contact their health care provider, or schedule through an eligible pharmacy.
KPS, in collaboration with the Kent County Health Department and area pediatricians, will host a series of information sessions for parents to ask questions about the COVID-19 vaccine for children. These sessions will be a chance for parents to learn more information about the vaccine from doctors and ask questions. Dates and locations will be announced in a future communication.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - October 1, 2021 (English)
October 1, 2021
Dear KPS Families,
In our continued commitment to keep you informed on conditions related to the pandemic, this letter serves as an update for the school year at the conclusion of our sixth week of school. I have been incredibly proud of our students and staff and their commitment to following our mitigation plan. Our key strategies include vaccines for eligible staff and students, increased ventilation, increased cleaning of high touch areas, students in grades PK-12 and staff required face coverings, self screening for symptoms associated with COVID-19, regular hand washing and sanitizing, and social distancing to the extent feasible. Below are some key data points as of September 28, 2021:
- Student cases*: 67
- Staff cases*: 11
- Positivity rate**: 12.1% (Kent County last 7 days)
- Transmission rate**: 250 (Number of cases per 100,000 last 7 days)
- Outbreaks: 0
- School closings: 0
- Vaccine rates in Kentwood**:
- Ages 12-16: 45%
- Ages 17+: 71%
*Source: Kent ISD Dashboard
**Source: Kent County Health Department Covid Dashboard
Considering that every day more than 9,000 students attend KPS for in-person learning and more than 1,500 staff report in-person to support our students, our mitigation measures appear to be working. There is no change in our mitigation plan at this time. KPS will continue to evaluate conditions as they evolve to determine if, and when, changes can be made to the plan.
In regards to face coverings, you may have heard that the state budget passed this week in Lansing prohibits local health departments from making mandates for face coverings. Both Governor Whitmer, and the Kent County Administrator, Al VandenBerg, declared this provision in the budget to be unconstitutional. Please see this letter from Mr. VandenBerg to the Kent County Commissioners. The safety of our students, staff, families, and community will always be our top priority and KPS will continue to follow guidance from local, state, and national public health officials in decisions for health and safety.
I invite you to join us on October 15th for a community celebration at our last home football game at East Kentwood High School. There will be activities for children, and anyone with a vaccine card will get free admission to the game. We are also I thank you for all you have done to keep our community safe!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - August 20, 2021 (English)
August 20, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Today, the Kent County Health Department (KCHD) issued a new Public Health Order mandating the use of face coverings in grades PK-6. The Order from the KCHD affirms the decision by Kentwood Public Schools (KPS) to implement the district plan communicated on August 17, 2021. KPS mandates the use of face coverings during the school day in grades PK-12 by staff, students, and visitors while indoors. KPS will continue to carefully evaluate what is necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff by monitoring conditions as they evolve.
Additionally, the KCHD updated the quarantine policy for schools. When contact tracing, the KCHD stipulates that if both students associated with a positive case (the positive student and the close contact) are wearing a face covering, the close contact will NOT be required to quarantine. Therefore, the KPS plan mandating universal face coverings eliminates the risk of your child being quarantined at school.
Vaccination Opportunities
The COVID-19 vaccine prevents infection, slows community transmission, and reduces the risk of severe outcomes. KPS has always partnered with the families of our community to protect our children. If vaccinations go up, it is safer for children that cannot be vaccinated. As a result, we are partnering with Metro Health to provide a vaccine clinic open to anyone in the community. As of today, 42% of students ages 12-17 and 68% of community members ages 16+ in Kentwood are vaccinated.
If you have not yet been vaccinated, join us at the district administration building on Friday, August 27th to get your vaccination and help protect our children. Please click here for more information. For additional vaccination sites and information about the vaccine, visit
As we start school, the best place to get information is the district website at Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s principal with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your support as we continue to prepare for a successful 2021-2022 school year. I look forward to seeing our students back in school on Monday, August, 23!
Kevin Polston
Parent Communication - August 17, 2021 (English)
August 17, 2021
Dear Parents and Guardians,
In my last communication, I expressed how excited we are to have students returning to the classroom this fall. I also promised that when new information became available, we would provide you with updates. In keeping with our commitment to inform you of Kent County Health Department (KCHD) changes, we are providing you with our updated plan to give your child, and the whole district, a healthy and safe learning environment.
Return to School Plans
In response to the contagious Delta variant, the KCHD and Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) have recently released a public order and strong recommendations regarding schools and COVID-19. The KCHD order details the requirements for isolation, quarantine, and reporting cases while the recommendation of both agencies sets expectations for the school and community to layer preventative strategies, including the recommendation for the required use of face coverings.
Plan for in-person learning:
- Schools will be open for full-day, in-person instruction. For PK-5th grade students with extenuating medical conditions, a remote option is available on a case-by-case basis. Students in grades 6-12 may apply for enrollment in an independent online option, Kentwood International Virtual Academy.
- Following the KCHD and MDHHS recommendations, we are mandating the use of face coverings by staff, students, and visitors while indoors. This will help keep our students learning in-person. Exemptions for the face covering policy are available under the following limited circumstances if a parent/guardian:
- Provides documentation that the student cannot wear a mask due to medical conditions.
- Provides documentation that a face covering is detrimental to the wellbeing of their child.
- Per CDC requirements, staff and students are required to wear face coverings on KPS transportation.
- Face coverings are strongly recommended for all individuals while indoors for athletics/extracurricular events outside of the school day. Additional event specific mitigation measures may be necessary.
- The COVID-19 vaccination is not required for school enrollment or attendance.
- Students/staff will not be tested for COVID-19 unless it is mandated by MHSAA, MDHHS, or the KCHD.
- The KCHD will continue to require a 10 day quarantine for unvaccinated close contacts of “household” and “outbreak” cases of COVID-19. Only the KCHD has the authority to quarantine students.
- When contact tracing, the August 6 KCHD Order stipulates that if both students associated with a positive case (the positive student and the close contact) are wearing a face covering, only close contacts within three feet will be quarantined. Therefore, wearing a face covering reduces the risk of your child being quarantined at school.
- All KPS before and after school programming is subject to compliance with all KCHD public health orders.
Creating a Safe Environment
Together we can create a safe learning environment by layering prevention strategies. This requires participation from students, families, and KPS. KPS has implemented a full range of health and safety strategies including:
- Increased ventilation throughout KPS buildings.
- Increased nursing staff.
- Continuous deep cleaning in KPS buildings.
- Regular communication with the local health department to monitor conditions.
- Complying with guidelines and regulations such as mandating masks, encouraging regular hand washing, and maintaining distance in all our settings to the extent possible.
- More than 85% of our staff are vaccinated, which demonstrates our staff’s unwavering commitment to the safety of our students and families.
Please partner with us and take the following steps:
- Each day, check your child’s health before coming to school. If a child is sick, they should stay home for their own wellbeing and the health of others.
- We encourage the COVID-19 vaccine for students and community members ages 12 and over.
Vaccination Opportunities
The COVID-19 vaccine prevents infection, slows community transmission, and reduces the risk of severe outcomes. KPS has always partnered with the families of our community to protect our children. If vaccinations go up, it is safer for children that cannot be vaccinated. As a result, we are partnering with Metro Health to provide a vaccine clinic open to anyone in the community. As of today, 41% of students ages 12-17 and 67% of community members ages 16+ in Kentwood are vaccinated.
If you have not yet been vaccinated, join us at the district administration building on Friday, August 27th to get your vaccination and help protect our children. Please see our website for more information. For additional vaccination sites and information around the vaccine, visit
Additional Information
As the CDC and Kent County Health Department (KCHD) make changes, we will provide regular updates. For information on a range of topics, below are links that may be helpful. Of course, the best site to visit for questions about Kentwood Public Schools is the district website at
Other websites that may be useful:
Kent County Health Department Public Health Order regarding COVID-19 and the upcoming school year
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Recommendations for Safer School Operations
Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness Information
There will continue to be speculation and uncertainty around COVID-19 and its impact on education. At KPS, we will continue to carefully evaluate what is necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff. As we start school, the best place to get information is the district website at
Thank you for your support as we continue to prepare for a successful 2021-2022 school year. I look forward to seeing our students back in school on Monday, August, 23!
Kevin Polston
Welcome Back 2021-2022 (English)
Arabic | Bosnian
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| Vietnamese
August 4, 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students:
Welcome to the 2021-22 school year! I hope this letter finds you enjoying the summer season and spending time with those close to you. Personally, July has been filled with excitement and energy, as I began serving as the new Kentwood Public Schools superintendent. It is an honor to be part of a new chapter in the Kentwood Public Schools story.
Thank you for the warm welcome that I received throughout the community! There is a lot of pride in Kentwood and in KPS. I look forward to partnering with our community as we strive for excellence. Together we can change the world through providing relevant and meaningful opportunities for our students.
Speaking of a warm welcome, on July 13, 2021, students and staff from Kentwood Public Schools welcomed Governor Gretchen Whitmer to East Kentwood High School to sign historic legislation into law that provides additional resources for our students. These funds will ensure that every child has access to support systems that continue to reinforce excellence and equity. I again want to highlight that our vision statement, Excellence and Equity in Education, is not just a tagline at Kentwood Public Schools. It is a standard we seek to achieve each day for every student.
This year, we will stress the following themes:
- Health and wellness: As we continue to fight this global pandemic, we must keep in the forefront the health of our students, their families, and our staff. No one fights a pandemic alone; we will win this fight standing together as a community. Please see the attached Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) for more information on our COVID safety plan. The safety of our students, staff, and community remains our top priority.
- Committed to continuous learning and being data-driven: We want students to be actively engaged in learning and achievement. In addition, we must model this as an organization, through institutional learning and data gathering that ensures we are living out best practices in all that we do.
- Excellence and Equity: Kentwood Public Schools is committed to excellence and equity in all that we do. From our bond construction to how we use taxpayer dollars to how we treat every child in the district, excellence and equity are “lived values” at KPS.
We are excited to welcome our students back to in-person learning! This past year we were reminded about the importance of educating the whole child and the vital role relationships play in the lives of our children. The in-person learning environment with the synergy that comes from students engaging with each other and their teachers and staff members provides the best option for most students to achieve the highest level of learning.
You will receive a welcome from your child’s principal with key dates for the school year. I look forward to seeing all of our students on the first day of school, Monday, August 23rd.
As a reminder, if you have not already completed the online enrollment form for your student(s), please do so at
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact your building administrator if you have school specific questions. Please don’t hesitate to contact me and our central office team if you have district questions. All of us are here to serve you and your family. Thank you again for your support and assistance as we embark on an exciting year ahead!
Educationally yours,
Kevin Polston
Frequently Asked Questions
Kentwood Public Schools is providing the following answers to frequently asked questions. We will be updating this document on a regular basis as new information is available.
What steps will KPS take in the interest of the safety of students and staff?
Because our goal is to keep children in school and with the prevalence of the Delta variant, we will be instituting a mask mandate to keep our students, staff, families and community safe.
Following the KCHD and MDHHS recommendations, we are mandating the use of face coverings by staff, students, and visitors while indoors. The district will provide face coverings for those that need them.
Although we believe wearing a face covering and being vaccinated are among the most effective measures to prevent the spread of disease, students may opt out of wearing a face covering if their parent/guardian:
- Provides documentation that the student cannot wear a face covering due to medical conditions.
- For 7th-12th grade students only* - Demonstrates to a district administrator that a face covering is detrimental to the wellbeing of their child and signs a waiver.
All students and staff will need to comply with the CDC face covering requirement while on KPS transportation per the CDC.
Face coverings are strongly recommended for all individuals while indoors for athletics/extracurricular events outside of the school day.
*Per the KCHD order dated 8/20/21, students in Y5-6th grade are required to wear a mask. The only exception the order allows are medical related exceptions.
What other steps will the district take to ensure a safe learning environment?
The district wants to create a safe and positive learning environment for every student. With that in mind, the following actions are being taken:
- Increased ventilation and air exchanges will occur in all schools
- Sanitizing stations will continue to be in place in all buildings
- Nightly cleaning utilizing EPA approved cleaning products to reduce the spread of COVID-19
- Bottle filling stations in every building to ensure students stay hydrated as drinking fountains remain disabled
- Parents may begin dropping off elementary students at 8:45 a.m. School doors will open at 8:55 a.m. and students will report directly to their classrooms.
- Breakfast for K-8 students will be in the classroom and lunch will be in the cafeteria
- Additional school nursing services throughout the district
Why does the Delta variant pose such a risk?
Although the Delta variant is similar to the original COVID-19 virus, it is much easier to spread. Some experts believe it is as much as 60% more transmissible. The virus also has up to 1000 times the viral load of the original. Combine that with relaxed protective measures and the virus is spreading rapidly.
What measures are effective against the Delta variant?
The studies show that the vaccine is still effective in preventing serious illness. Other precautionary measures such as social distancing and mask wearing are effective and necessary to lessen transmissibility.
Will students be distanced in the classroom?
We will distance to the extent possible in all of our settings.
Will there be zones for cohorts of students on the elementary playground?
Playground zones for elementary students will no longer be enforced and students may move freely with other classrooms in their grade level.
Will elementary students have specials classes?
Yes! Elementary students will have specials classes (art, music, physical education) in-person in the classrooms of the special’s teachers.
Will there be gatherings at school for concerts, assemblies, or special events?
Events that bring the school community together are opportunities to build a positive culture. Gatherings will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for health and safety.
Why is it important for parents to do a health screener prior to sending my child to school?
Prevention is the first line of defense in the fight against illness, be it COVID or other illnesses. When parents and guardians check their child’s health and wellbeing every day before coming to school, they can catch sickness before it spreads in a building or classroom. Remember, if a child is sick, they should stay home.
There is no form to fill out this year, but a big thank you and shout-out to the many parents who have prevented disease and illness by taking the time to engage that screener process every day this past year!
Will volunteers be allowed in schools?
As much as we value our volunteers, we are not able to allow them to come into the buildings at this point.
We are closely monitoring conditions and hope they improve so that the district can once again allow volunteers back in our buildings. We value the strong partnership between our families and the community and hope to revise this policy when conditions dictate we can.
Will there be field trips?
Field trips are an important component of the educational experience for children. The district will evaluate field trips on a case-by-case basis to determine if they are safe for students to attend.
Will my child be quarantined if they are a close contact?
In most cases no. However current Health Department policy states that if there is an outbreak, defined by two or more linked cases of COVID-19 in the same setting, unvaccinated individuals may be quarantined. The district will not quarantine any students and only the Kent County Health Department has the authority to quarantine individuals.
Will my child be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
The COVID-19 vaccine is not required in Michigan. The district encourages parents of students ages 12 and up to discuss having their child receive the vaccine with your doctor or health care provider.
We value the safety of our community and as a result, we are partnering with Metro Health, to provide a vaccine clinic open to anyone in the community at Glenwood Elementary School. Please see for more information.
Data and evidence have shown that communities with higher vaccination rates have lower community spread of COVID-19. Vaccines for any eligible member of the community is a mitigation strategy to continue to offer in-person learning.
Will athletes be required to test for COVID-19 in order to play?
There are no current policies requiring students to test in order to play sports in Michigan. The district will follow any public health orders from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) or policies from the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) if necessary to allow our students to participate in athletics. In addition, the district eliminated athletic services fees (pay to participate) this year to encourage students to participate in athletics.
What other steps will the district take to ensure a safe learning environment?
The district wants to create a safe and positive learning environment for every student. With that in mind, the following actions are being taken:
- Increased ventilation and air exchanges will occur in all schools
- Sanitizing stations will continue to be in place in all buildings
- Nightly cleaning utilizing EPA approved cleaning products to reduce the spread of COVID-19
- Bottle filling stations in every building to ensure students stay hydrated as drinking fountains remain disabled
- Parents may begin dropping off elementary students at 8:45 a.m. School doors will open at 8:55 a.m. and students will report directly to their classrooms.
- Breakfast for K-8 students will be in the classroom and lunch will be in the cafeteria
- Additional school nursing services throughout the district
The safety and wellbeing of our students, staff, and community will always be our top priority. Please do not hesitate to contact your building principal with any questions or concerns. All policies are subject to change if conditions change, new guidance is issued, and/or new public health orders are released. Go Falcons!
Remote Learning Activities
Please click on the following link to see a list of learning activities and resources that you can use with your children over the extended closure.