Career & Technical Education

Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education at EKHS prepares students for academic, technical, and work behavior skills to enter, compete, and advance in education and careers. Most of the EKHS CTE programs prepare students for a seamless transition from high school to postsecondary education and a career. Students are encouraged to complete a solid academic core and one or more CTE programs to prepare for their future success in a competitive global economy.

The major goals of East Kentwood High School's CTE programs are to:

  • Integrate core academic skills into all CTE based courses.
  • Increase student achievement in math, science, Language Arts, problem-solving and technical and employability skills.
  • Build strong leadership skills and help to develop community minded citizens.
  • Blend the essential content of traditional college preparatory studies in articulated courses with quality career/technical studies.

Articulated College Credits

East Kentwood High School offers a variety of CTE programs/courses, many of which articulate with local colleges. Articulation allows students to earn free college credit by taking high school courses in approved CTE programs at EKHS.

Articulated College Credits can:

  • Provide a head- start on a student's college program.
  • Help students connect today's learning to their future.
  • Decrease the cost spent on college tuition.

Area colleges that participate in articulate credits:

  • Davenport University
  • Grand Rapids Community College
  • Baker College

All Career and Technical/occupational Education opportunities are offered without regard to race, color, national origin, gender/sex, age or disability. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs.

Kentwood Public Schools, together with the parents and the community, will educate all students in a safe, secure environment. We are committed to excellence, equity, and diversity in education. Our goal is for each student to master and apply the essential skills to be successful, productive citizens.

For Career and Technical Education information contact:
Justin Michalowski, CTE and Schools to Careers Coordinator, East Kentwood High School Guidance Office, 616-698-6700 ex42615

For Title IX, Section 504 compliance contact the Students Services Office at the Kentwood Public Schools Administration Office, 616-455-4400.