Summer School

East Kentwood High School and Freshman Campus together offer Summer School opportunities for students who are in need of credit recovery.  

Each class taken at East Kentwood is worth 1/2 credit and students need to complete - with a passing grade - a minimum of 22 credits to earn a diploma.  In addition to total credits, there are specific classes students are required to earn credits in.  (See Scheduling, Credits and Graduation Requirements for detailed information.)  Freshman students must earn a minimum of 5 credits to move up to sophomore status.

If a student does not pass one or more core classes (English, Math, Science, Social Studies) during the school year, they will have an opportunity to take up to two classes during summer school.  Summer school typically runs for 6 weeks in June and July. 


EKFC counselors send letters home at the end of each semester to parents of students who have not passed one or more classes.  At the end of the school year when grades become final, they will send another letter with their recommendations for summer school classes.

Details and sign up information for Summer School become available after Spring Break.

Link to Registrar for Summer School